What is K9 Hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is a form of non-weight bearing exercise, where your dog(s) can swim in a safe and
controlled environment with the supervision and guidance of a qualified Canine Hydrotherapist.
Swimming is classified as a strenuous, high cardio form of exercising, however when your dog is
immersed in water, they are essentially weightless in the water. As a result, swimming allows for
minimal stress on joints, compared to when they are walking or running on land. By integrating and
utilizing the controlled properties of water (i.e., resistance, buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure and
increased thermal conditions), Hydrotherapy can significantly aid in pain relief, healing and
conditioning, reduction of inflammation within joints and can stimulate and/or relax the muscles.
Hydrotherapy is never used in place of veterinary care but can act as an additional, complimentary
modality, which can contribute greatly to increased surgical/injury recovery times, weight loss
programs, improved physical fitness, emotional well-being and overall longevity of your dog.

Canine Conditions That Can Benefit From Hydrotherapy
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Damage (ACL)
Degenerative Joint Diseases
Neurological/Spinal Conditions (i.e. Intervertebral Disc Disease, Degenerative Myelopathy,
Fibrocartilaginous Embolisms, Spondylosis)
Hip & Elbow Dysplasia
Pre/Post Surgical Recovery
Soft Tissue & Bone Injuries
Muscle Atrophy (Due to a degenerative condition or decline in activity)
*The therapeutic services offered by Pawtherapy K9 Aquatic & Massage Centre are
never in place of veterinary medicine and only act as cooperative/complimentary
modalities to the treatment plan, outlined by your veterinarian. As such, a
veterinary assessment and referral must be completed and submitted, before we can
assist in the care of your dog.*
Therapeutic Benefits of Hydrotherapy
Improves strength, builds and maintains muscles
(Helps to condition the entire body, not just one part)
Improves cardiovascular and respiratory function
Increases flexibility, range of motion and mobility
Reduces pain and inflammation of joints
Relaxes muscles, stimulates inactive muscles
Enhanced metabolic function
Slows down the progression of degenerative conditions
Aids in the prevention of injury
Increased body awareness, balance and coordination
Burns excess energy and releases stress
Aids in weight management
Builds confidence, stimulates the brain and provides a sense of well being
(Similar to humans - dogs are aware of their declining abilities as they age.
As a result they can experience depression and anxiety, significantly
affecting their quality of life).