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From a young age, it was evident that Ashley was truly passionate and had a very special bond with all
types of animals. However, it was man’s best friend (the dog), that ultimately stole her heart!!
Ashley brings many years (15+ years) of animal experience to her business by way of:
- A high school co-op placement in a local veterinary clinic
- Part-time kennel attendant/support staff in a veterinary clinic while attending post-secondary
education at Seneca College
- Graduate of the Veterinary Technician Program at Seneca College (2007)
- 6 1/2 years as a full time Veterinary Technician for a local small and mixed animal practice
- A welcoming home for dogs, cats, a horse and guinea pig, that needed to find their forever family
When it came time for Ashley and her husband to expand their family, she decided to leave the animal
world and pursue an opportunity with her parent’s business. Although it was a great experience, that
provided her with a lot of new skills, it just wasn’t the same as working with animals. Upon her
parent’s decision to retire, it was then that she once again decided to follow her dreams and take on an
exciting new career path, specifically working with dogs. She has always had a keen interest in
anatomy and wanted to open a facility, whereby she could work one on one with dogs and offer
recuperative/therapeutic care, that would be complimentary/cooperative aids to veterinary medicine.
Since October of 2021, Ashley has acquired additional certifications in: Canine Hydrotherapy, Canine
Massage Therapy, Canine Kinesiology Taping, Canine First Aid, as well as Human First Aid in order to
expand her knowledge and expertise in caring for your dog.