Pawtherapy - K9 Aquatic & Massage Centre is an indoor facility, that aims to provide a safe
and clean environment, while offering therapeutic and recreational services to dogs of all
ages, as well as to those with different health statuses. Our goal is to improve and
enhance the overall well being and longevity of our client’s beloved canine companion(s).
A Guide for Your First Visit
*Prior to your first visit, we are happy to provide a tour of our facility, but do ask
that you book an appointment.*
Please ensure you have filled out and submitted the necessary forms. These can either be
submitted prior to your appointment, or brought with you the day of your initial consultation or
recreational swim session.
Hydrotherapy/Massage Therapy/Kinesiology Taping Requirements:
Veterinary Assessment & Referral Form / Proof of Vaccination
Client Information Form
K9 Information Form
Policies & Procedures Form
Liability Waiver & Release (Pertaining to Hydrotherapy/Massage Therapy & Kinesiology Taping)
Therapeutic Consent & Acknowledgement
Recreational Swimming Requirements:
Proof of Vaccination
Client Information Form
K9 Information Form
Policies & Procedures Form
Liability Waiver & Release (Pertaining to Recreational Swimming)
Food should be withheld from your dog(s) for a minimum of 2-3 hours before your appointment, to
prevent elimination during the session. *Applicable to all swim and massage sessions*
All dogs should have well trimmed and rounded/filed nails, to prevent injuries to yourselves, our
staff and pool equipment.
Please park in the designated parking spaces, located at the front of the building. Access to the
building is from the side entrance, located on the (East) side of the building.
Please ensure you come 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment, so that your dog(s) are able to
eliminate themselves. Please use the designated grass area located on the West side of the parking
lot. To help prevent the spread of transmissible diseases and parasites, please clean up after
your dog(s) and dispose of any waste in the outdoor disposal provided.
Before entering please ensure your dog(s) are securely leashed. Knock before entering, to
ensure there are no other dogs present in the building.
If visiting for a swim session:
Please remember to bring your indoor footwear, treats, toys, a life jacket (if you have one) and
towels. Please note - A life jacket will be provided for dogs who do not have one.
Towels along with a grooming dryer are available for client use, however we ask that a maximum of
2 towels be used per session. Please place wet/used towels in the laundry basket provided.
To ensure the safety of your dog(s) when using the grooming dryer, we ask that you only use the
dryer for a maximum of 5 minutes for a small dog and 10 minutes for medium dog and up to
15 minutes for a large dog. Please keep in mind, this is only meant to remove the dampness and
towel drying should still be incorporated.
Ruff & Tumble Drying Coats are available for purchase in our retail area.
Please remove outdoor footwear in the entrance lobby (bench and coat rack provided) and
continue with your dog(s) to the washing station, located directly before the designated pool area.
To help with the cleanliness of the pool, paws, legs and abdomens are to be thoroughly
washed/wiped before entering the gated areas (with wash basin and drying mitts provided).
Please ensure all gates are closed when in the designated pool areas.
Dogs can become over excited, so to prevent injury, please keep your dog on leash at all times.
If visiting for a massage or kinesiology session:
Upon entering the building, please continue to the massage consultation room, where chairs and a
coat rack are provided. Outdoor footwear does not need to be removed in this room.
Please wipe your dogs paws, legs and abdomen with the drying mitts provided.
Dogs can become over excited, so to prevent injury, please keep your dog on leash at all times.
When the massage therapist is ready to begin, they will guide your dog safely up the ramp onto the
table, at which time will remove the leash.
We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to meeting you!